Digital Citizen 4.4
Feature image via Citizen Lab: Tag cloud of bait content topics used by Stealth Falcon showing a strong emphasis on…
2000 Eyes to Surveil Beirut by Year’s End
Feature image via needpix.com By the end of 2016, Beirutis’ driving and other public activities will…
“Net-Wasel” Digital Rights Podcasts
Feature image via literalis.net: Podcasting” by Nicolas Solop CC BY 2.0. SMEX is pleased to announce the launch of its Arabic-language…
Tasharuk in June: Don't Just Run Campaigns, Build Movements!
Feature image via creativecommons.org: A man during the 2011 Egyptian protests carrying a card saying “Facebook, #jan25. …
Maroc Telecom Blocks Online Games?
Feature image via Maroc Telecom Facebook page. In less than 24 hours, an online petition urging Maroc…
Leaked E-mail: Iraq Shuts Down Its Internet, Again
Feature image: Leaked email from an Iraqi ISP alerting recipients of an impending Internet shutdown on May 16, 2016. …
Egypt: Death Penalty Possible for Cybercrime
Feature image via Monasosh Flickr. The Committee of Suggestions and Complaints in the Egyptian parliament accepted and…