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From Sharing to Silence: Assessing Social Media Suppression of SRHR Content in WANA
This research was conducted as part of the Masarouna project, a five-year program that mobilizes young people in the Middle…
Mapping Tech Companies’ Cloud Expansion in the Gulf and its Human Rights Implications
Since 2018, an increasing number of companies, mainly from the U.S. and China, launched cloud regions and data centers in…
Research: Searching for Signal – Lebanon’s Telecom Project
Executive Summary The Telecommunication (Telecom) sector in Lebanon, often dubbed the country’s “oil,” historically stood as the third-largest revenue-generating sector,…
Palestine unplugged: how Israel disrupts Gaza’s internet
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Content note: The following post contains references to violence and war. Since October 9, the 2.3 million…
A Brief Overview of AI Use in WANA
Governments and private sectors in West Asia and North Africa are calling to employ AI to strengthen their economies and…
SMEX Launches the Inaugural Mariam Al-Shafei Fellowship on Technology and Human Rights 2023
SMEX launched the inaugural Mariam Al-Shafei Fellowship on Technology and Human Rights in November 2022 to bring new minds and…
Etisalat and Ooredoo: Ranking last for the fifth year in a row!
For the fifth year in a row, UAE’s Etisalat and Qatar’s Ooerdoo have ranked in the bottom two places in…