Documentary Screening: “The Cleaners”
Feature image via SMEX: Who controls what we see online? Who controls what we see online? SMEX screened the documentary…
Coursera and Udemy Restrict Access in Syria Due to Sanctions
Though Coursera did not respond to SMEX’s request for comment, the restriction of both platforms in Syria is likely linked…
Who controls what we see online? Documentary Screening: The Cleaners
Feature image via the cleaners: Who is controlling what we see… and what we think? The Web that was once created…
Internet in Lebanon Remains “Partly Free”
Feature image via Freedom House, November 2018: A map of Freedom House’s “Internet Freedom” rankings. In collaboration with Freedom House,…
Will Syria Follow in the UAE’s Footsteps by Censoring VoIP Services?
Feature image via Flickr, October 2013: An iPhone with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications. On Wednesday, the Syrian Telecommunication…
An “Ugly” New Data Protection Law in Lebanon
Feature image via the Daily Star, August 2018: An “Ugly” New Data Protection Law in Lebanon. The English translation of…
Mobile internet speeds up the Arab countries, but fixed broadband lags behind
Feature image via Oakla: The internet speed chart in August – Lebanon. Yet, it is interesting that many of the Arab…