Job Opening: Junior Designer
We are looking for a Junior Designer to join our team on a full-time basis. Candidates will be responsible for…
Freedom of Opinion and Expression Coalition in Lebanon: Authorities must respect freedoms of the press and legal profession and fundamentally amend defamation laws
Beirut on April 4, 2023 The Freedom of Opinion and Expression Coalition in Lebanon condemned in a statement issued today…
Open letter to the Iraqi Communications and Media Commission: Drop the draft regulation of digital content and protect freedom of expression online
March 16, 2023 To the Communications and Media Commission of Iraq (CMC) Baghdad, Iraq Subject: Regarding the Draft Regulation…
Joint Statement: Iraqi authorities must cease their chilling crackdown on free speech
We, the undersigned organizations, express our deepest concern regarding the Iraqi authorities’ recent campaign to crack down on “indecent content”…
SMEX Launches the Inaugural Mariam Al-Shafei Fellowship on Technology and Human Rights 2023
SMEX launched the inaugural Mariam Al-Shafei Fellowship on Technology and Human Rights in November 2022 to bring new minds and…
Digital Safety Helpdesk Expands beyond West Asia and North Africa
For the second year in a row, Facebook ranked first as the platform where users faced the highest number of…
Qatar’s dirty plays call for more accountability on mass surveillance
At the close of last year, people from around the world traveled to Qatar to enjoy a soccer game and…