The latest updates on digital rights from West Asia and North Africa


Mobile Services at the Lebanese-Syrian Border: Outages and Clashing Networks
In 2022, the Lebanese mobile network remains largely disrupted by power outages due to the shortage of diesel necessary to…

Mapping the telecom outages in Lebanon
Report any telecommunications outage that happens in Lebanon by filling out this form. We will use this information to update…

The Case of the Blocked Blogger: How the MoT continues to violate free expression in Lebanon
The blog-publishing service Blogger (* is blocked in Lebanon on the 3G networks of both mobile operators, Alfa and Touch….

Two Years of Collective Punishment: Mobile Data Remains Inaccessible to Arsal Residents
Update: Mobile internet was restored in Arsal in September 2017, over three years after it was cut off, according to…

Why Boycott Lebanon’s Mobile Phone Operators, Alfa and touch?
A self-described independent youth movement is waging what it is referring to as a “polite struggle” (الكفاح_المهذب#) against state corruption…