smexadmin • 19 Jul 2016

Feature image via Wikipedia.       Lebanon will adopt a new biometric passport by the end of July 2016,…

smexadmin • 13 Jul 2016

Digital Citizen 4.5

Feature image via U.S army: Iraqi school students, Basra University. SPOTLIGHT ON INTERNET SHUTDOWNS In early June, Algeria’s Baccalaureate exams…

smexadmin • 22 Jun 2016

Algeria Reconsiders Blocking Social Media to Prevent Cheating on Exams

Feature image via Leswer, Wikimedia Commons.        The Internet was accessible again in Algeria at 3 p.m. last…

smexadmin • 13 Jun 2016

2000 Eyes to Surveil Beirut by Year’s End

Feature image via          By the end of 2016, Beirutis’ driving and other public activities will…

smexadmin • 09 Jun 2016

“Net-Wasel” Digital Rights Podcasts

Feature image via Podcasting” by Nicolas Solop CC BY 2.0. SMEX is pleased to announce the launch of its Arabic-language…

smexadmin • 02 Jun 2016

Tasharuk in June: Don't Just Run Campaigns, Build Movements!

Feature image via A man during the 2011 Egyptian protests carrying a card saying “Facebook, #jan25.      …

smexadmin • 20 May 2016

Maroc Telecom Blocks Online Games?

Feature image via Maroc Telecom Facebook page.       In less than 24 hours, an online petition urging Maroc…