Abed Kataya • 17 Mar 2020

How to improve your digital safety while working remotely

With more countries announcing a state of emergency in response to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, organizations have begun adopting…

SMEX • 13 Mar 2020

We Demand Ministry of Telecommunications Open the Fixed and Mobile Internet Capacity and Reduce Prices During the COVID-19 Crisis

We Demand Ministry of Telecommunications Open the Fixed and Mobile Internet Capacity and Reduce Prices During the COVID-19 Crisis. (Sign…

Jad Fawaz • 24 Feb 2020

Lebanese ISPs Lack Transparency

SMEX recently conducted research to assess the transparency of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Lebanon. Upon gathering information regarding licensed…

SMEX • 09 Jan 2020

Banning Salmonella song: is it really what matters?

The National Council for Women (NCW) has demanded that Google ceases the broadcast and promotion of the Salmonella song –…

SMEX • 27 Nov 2019

New Report: ”Analyzing Freedom of Expression in Lebanon in 2018”

Over the past four years, Lebanon has witnessed a crackdown against freedom of expression online. The state has penalized citizens,…

Abed Kataya • 25 Nov 2019

Bread&Net 2019: A Digital Rights Revolution

From November 15 to 17, more than 250 participants gathered for Bread&Net 2019 in the heart of Beirut. With the…

SMEX • 18 Oct 2019

Lebanon Protests: How To Communicate Securely in Case of a Network Disruption

Lebanon witnessed protests in Beirut and a number of other cities because of the tough living situation, and with the…