smexadmin • 05 Sep 2018

A New Internet Service Provider in Yemen: new division or additional service for users?

Feature image via AdenNet:AdenNet says that it will provide larger, faster and cheaper internet. But what about digital rights and…

smexadmin • 04 Sep 2018

Who will really pay for the Ministry of Telecommunications’ decision to prevent smuggling mobiles?

Feature image via The Ministry of Telecommunications.  Since 2012, Lebanon’s Ministry of Telecommunications has been trying, despite changes in…

smexadmin • 23 Aug 2018

A Snapshot of Digital Rights Coverage in the MENA Region

Introduction One day in early 2015, Habib Battah, an investigative journalist who operates the website Beirut Report, noticed new construction…

smexadmin • 02 Aug 2018

Ministry of Information Application Threatens Citizens’ Privacy

 Feature image via national news agency, June 2018: Minister of information Melham Riachy launching the Eye Police Application . Eye…

smexadmin • 26 Jul 2018

New Elections Study Shows Less than 2% of Overall Electoral Speech on Social Media Was Negative

 Feature image April 2018: A screenshot of the API used to track social media posts. SMEX and LADE collaborated to…

smexadmin • 23 Jul 2018

Do New Sudanese Laws Regulate Digital Space or Limit Freedom of Expression?

Feature image via  Bora S. Kamel, Flickr, July 8, 2012: Censorship has gone beyond print publications to electronic publications. The…

smexadmin • 20 Jul 2018

Iraqi Government Shuts Down the Internet Amidst Protests

Last week, protests broke out in Basra and quickly spread across southern Iraq. On Saturday, the Iraqi government began intermittently shutting…