A Hectic Week Means One Thing: More Seminars on the Horizon!
Sorry for the silence! We’ve been busy here with more seminars and hosting our first social hour. Our most recent…
SOCIAL HOUR at RootSpace!
We’re Hosting Social Hour at RootSpace (Saifi- Beirut) on Wednesday July 9. THE SERIES: Social Media for Social Change, hosted…
A Guide to Facebook Activism
The digital world moves fast. Digiactive, a five-month-old site devoted to digital activism, has released its first guide, A DigiActive…
Lessons Learned from Global Voices 2008
I’ve just returned from two days at the 2008 Global Voices Summit in Budapest. Without a doubt, this was one…
Global Voices Summit 2008
You can access the live webcast to see what’s being talked about in Budapest. The day started with Ethan Zuckerman…
Al Qaeda: So Web 1.0
Inevitably in our Web 2.0 seminar, we talk about the fact that technology, like any tool, can be a force…
June 24: An Instructive Seminar For CRS' Staff
Our second training seminar took place on 24 June at the offices of Catholic Relief Services in Sodeco, Beirut. The…