Abed Kataya • 27 May 2020

Critical information security issues in Jawaker and how to fix them

Jawaker, a mobile application that witnessed an increase in popularity during the COVID-19 crisis period, has many privacy and security…

SMEX • 07 May 2020

Lebanon Blocks Unofficial Exchange Rate Apps, Threatening Right to Access Information

On April 30, 2020, The Lebanese General Prosecutor ordered the Ministry of Telecommunications to compel all internet service providers to…

SMEX • 22 Apr 2020

Leveraging your users’ data? Think twice

This article appeared first on MIT Enterprise Forum Pan Arab Region . “It was my mistake and I am sorry.”…

SMEX • 21 Apr 2020

Mapping surveillance cameras in Beirut on OpenStreetMap

Surveillance cameras are spread in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, with unparalleled chaos. While the responsibility of who manages the data…

Abed Kataya • 07 Apr 2020

What the Lebanese government can do to respect users’ privacy while fighting Covid-19?

As the Covid-19 virus continues to spread across the world, governments are adopting surveillance measures to track patients, raising privacy…

SMEX • 24 Mar 2020

Zoom does not respect users’ privacy!

With the spread of COVID-19, many firms, organizations, and universities have adopted work from home policies and more people than…

Abed Kataya • 17 Mar 2020

How to improve your digital safety while working remotely

With more countries announcing a state of emergency in response to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, organizations have begun adopting…