خمس خطوات سهلة لتصبح ناشطاً على الإنترنت
في أوائل شهر أيلول / سبتمبر من هذه السنة ، اعتقل المدوّن المغربي محمدالرّاجيبعد نشره لمقال على شبكة الإنترنت ينتقد…
Blog Action Day 2008: Join the Global Discussion
Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty from Blog Action Day on Vimeo. On October 15, 2008, we’re uniting at Rootspace (or…
Knol: "Wehdat Al Marifa"
If you’re skilled at a certain topic, you can now write your own article and share it with the world….
Develop a Blogging Strategy for Your Non-Profit Organization, Part one : Mission Statement
Last week we started our intensive workshops and our first was “Beginning Blogging” on Wednesday, 20th of August. Our first…
Blogging in Bint Jbeil
About 18 men and women of all ages began their Web 2.0 training today in Bint Jbeil. We started the…
Blogging Takes Off at RootSpace
Yesterday, the Social Media Exchange launched its series of intensive workshops at the RootSpace with Beginning Blogging taught by Moustafa…
Schedule for SMEx’s Intensive Workshops
Next week, the Social Media Exchange is launching our hands-on guided intensive workshops, where you’ll get to work with social…