Abed Kataya • 08 May 2024

Pedophilia via TikTok in Lebanon: Who is Responsible?

Rage swept Lebanon when news broke out that networks active on TikTok are luring minors to blackmail and sexually assault…

  • Lebanon
  • Recomendations
  • TikTok
Abed Kataya • 17 Mar 2020

How to improve your digital safety while working remotely

With more countries announcing a state of emergency in response to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, organizations have begun adopting…

  • Coronavirus
  • Coronoavirus
  • Digital Safety
SMEX • 18 Oct 2019

Lebanon Protests: How To Communicate Securely in Case of a Network Disruption

Lebanon witnessed protests in Beirut and a number of other cities because of the tough living situation, and with the…

  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Lebanon
smexadmin • 26 Jan 2018

Security Tips in the Wake of the “Dark Caracal” Report

On January 18, researchers at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and security company Lookout published a report uncovering a global…

  • Beirut
  • Digital Security
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation