Mobile Services at the Lebanese-Syrian Border: Outages and Clashing Networks
In 2022, the Lebanese mobile network remains largely disrupted by power outages due to the shortage of diesel necessary to…
The Digital ID Landscape in the GCC: A Mapping of Programs, Regulations, and Human Rights Risks [Report 2021]
This report analyzes the implementation of digital ID systems in countries of the Gulf Council Cooperation (GCC), also referred to…
Tunisia: New prosecutions resurrect shadow of dictatorship [Crosspost]
This article was written by Yosr Jouini and published on Global Voices on December 16, 2021. On July 25, 2021,…
Freedom of the Press in Jordan: Regulatory Amendments or Restrictions to Online Speech?
Journalism in Jordan is suffering some severe blows as a result of laws and legislations that are inherently restrictive to…
Global Legal Community Stands in Solidarity with Egyptian Lawyer Mohamed el-Baqer
We, the undersigned members of the global legal community, stand in solidarity with Egyptian lawyer Mohamed el-Baqer as he awaits…
Jawaker Needs to Improve its Privacy Policy
Jawaker, a card game application popular in Arabic-speaking countries, has been recently sold to the Swedish company Stillfront. It would…
Israel’s Presence at Expo Dubai 2020 is a Threat to Digital Rights
On October 7, 2021, Israel inaugurated its pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020, after the United Arab Emirates extended an invitation to…