Data Protection in Saudi Arabia: Comparative Analysis
The Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) is Saudi Arabia’s first comprehensive data protection law with the aim to protect individual…
[Report] Doxxing of Residential Information Targeting Vulnerable Groups: Online and Offline Harms
As part of an Oversight Board process to issue a policy advisory opinion reviewing Meta’s policies on the sharing of…
LEBANON: Is the New Passport Renewal Platform Safe for your Data?
In a response to SMEX’s questions on Thursday (January 27), the Lebanese General Security claimed that personal data on the…
DAEM, a “Social Safety Net” or a Data Collection Net?
In September 2021, the Ministry of Social Affairs and IMPACT, the Central Inspection’s e-governance platform, launched DAEM, a program that…
YEMEN: Internet and Telecommunications are NOT Military Targets!
YEMEN is currently plunged in a nationwide internet blackout after Saudi-led airstrikes targeted a telecommunications building in the Houthi-held city…
SMEX Launches Forensic Analysis Unit
Israeli spyware firm, NSO Group, has become a threat for human rights defenders everywhere, and in the MENA specifically, where…
Arabic Wikipedia, we love you, but…
At SMEX, one of the core pillars of our mission is free knowledge. This is why we have been a…