SMEX • 08 Feb 2022

[Report] Doxxing of Residential Information Targeting Vulnerable Groups: Online and Offline Harms 

As part of an Oversight Board process to issue a policy advisory opinion reviewing Meta’s policies on the sharing of…

SMEX • 01 Feb 2022

LEBANON: Is the New Passport Renewal Platform Safe for your Data?

In a response to SMEX’s questions on Thursday (January 27), the Lebanese General Security claimed that personal data on the…

SMEX • 28 Jan 2022

DAEM, a “Social Safety Net” or a Data Collection Net?

In September 2021, the Ministry of Social Affairs and IMPACT, the Central Inspection’s e-governance platform, launched DAEM, a program that…

SMEX • 24 Jan 2022

YEMEN: Internet and Telecommunications are NOT Military Targets!

YEMEN is currently plunged in a nationwide internet blackout after Saudi-led airstrikes targeted a telecommunications building in the Houthi-held city…

SMEX • 24 Jan 2022

SMEX Launches Forensic Analysis Unit

Israeli spyware firm, NSO Group, has become a threat for human rights defenders everywhere, and in the MENA specifically, where…

Majd Al-Shihabi • 15 Jan 2022

Arabic Wikipedia, we love you, but…

At SMEX, one of the core pillars of our mission is free knowledge. This is why we have been a…

Abed Kataya • 12 Jan 2022

Mobile Services at the Lebanese-Syrian Border: Outages and Clashing Networks

In 2022, the Lebanese mobile network remains largely disrupted by power outages due to the shortage of diesel necessary to…