Ragheb Malli • 27 Jan 2023

Heightened Digital Oppression in Egypt

This past October, Egyptian activists used social media to call for protests in parallel with the 27th UN Climate Change…

  • 2022
  • Digital Rights
  • Digital violations
Mokhtar al-Ibrahim • 07 Apr 2021

Censorship in Syria: A Double ‘Virtual’ Penalty

  • bypassing censorship
  • content censorship
  • proxy
SMEX • 04 Nov 2020

Human rights organizations call on Egypt’s government to end internet censorship and website blocking

The undersigning human rights organizations denounce the Egyptian authorities’ blocking of at least 600 websites since May 2017 including media,…

  • Egypt
  • Sandvine
  • Virtual Private Network
Mohamed Taher • 01 Oct 2020

Website Blocking in the Arab Region: Monitoring and Counteraction Techniques

Governments in various Arab countries are increasingly investing in financial and human resources to control internet content and the free…

  • blocking
  • Blocking
  • Egypt
SMEX • 03 Jun 2020

The Case of the Blocked Blogger: How the MoT continues to violate free expression in Lebanon

The blog-publishing service Blogger (*.blogspot.com) is blocked in Lebanon on the 3G networks of both mobile operators, Alfa and Touch….

  • Alfa
  • Blospot
  • Censorship