Ciwan Teter • 14 Dec 2020

Lost Telecommunications Amidst Belligerent Groups in Northeast Syria

In areas such as North and East Syria, internet sources are becoming increasingly limited and difficult to come by. Against…

  • Internet
  • Kurdistan
  • Northeast Syria
smexadmin • 25 Apr 2018

Careem Reports that the Data of 14.5 Million Users Has Been Compromised

On Monday, Careem, the Dubai-based ride-hailing company operating in the MENA region, Turkey, and Pakistan, announced that it learned “online…

  • Careem
  • MENA region
  • Online Criminals
smexadmin • 12 Apr 2018

Turkey Responsible for More than Half of Twitter’s Content Removal Requests and Other Trends from the MENA Region

Feature image: A map displaying requests for content removal in the second half of 2017. On April 6, Twitter launched…

  • MENA region
  • Transparency report
  • Turkey
smexadmin • 16 Mar 2018

Message from Afrin: We Can’t Wait for a Shutdown to Condemn Network Disruptions in Times of War

Feature image via YPG spokesperson: Afrin under the Turkish and Free Syrian Army bombardment. March 14, 2018.  On Sunday, March…

  • Afrin
  • Human Rights
  • Internet Shutdowns