SMEX • 17 Dec 2021

Global Legal Community Stands in Solidarity with Egyptian Lawyer Mohamed el-Baqer

We, the undersigned members of the global legal community, stand in solidarity with Egyptian lawyer Mohamed el-Baqer as he awaits…

  • Adalah Center for Rights and Freedoms
  • Egypt
  • Human Rights
SMEX • 05 Oct 2021

#FreeAlaa: Freedom for our courageous friend and human rights defender, Alaa Abdel Fattah

Our courageous friend and colleague, Egyptian activist and technologist, Alaa Abdel Fattah, must be released from his arbitrary detention immediately….

  • Alaa Abdel Fattah
  • Egypt
  • FreeAlaa
SMEX • 30 Aug 2021

Enforced disappearances and accompanying impunity continue to prevail in the region

Today, on the occasion of the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, we the 33 undersigned local, regional,…

  • Algeria
  • Algeria
  • Egypt
SMEX • 22 Jun 2021

Egypt Sentences Tiktok Bloggers to Years in Prison

As part of a wave of arrests against women content creators in Egypt, the Cairo Criminal Court sentenced Haneen Hossam,…

  • Anti-Cyber and Information Technology Crimes Law
  • Digital Rights
  • Egypt
SMEX • 17 Dec 2020

Open Letter to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube: Stop silencing critical voices from the Middle East and North Africa

17 December 2020, Ten years ago today, 26-year old Tunisian street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in protest…

  • Arab Spring
  • Egypt
  • Faebook
SMEX • 04 Nov 2020

Human rights organizations call on Egypt’s government to end internet censorship and website blocking

The undersigning human rights organizations denounce the Egyptian authorities’ blocking of at least 600 websites since May 2017 including media,…

  • Egypt
  • Sandvine
  • Virtual Private Network
Mohamed Taher • 01 Oct 2020

Website Blocking in the Arab Region: Monitoring and Counteraction Techniques

Governments in various Arab countries are increasingly investing in financial and human resources to control internet content and the free…

  • Blocking
  • blocking
  • Egypt