SMEX • 13 May 2009

مبروك للسيدة ندی حمزة

اخبر العالم انك حققت تغييراًحفل تكنولوجي بامتياز بمبادرة من التجمع النسائي لتكنولوجيا المعلومات – WIT تخلله تكريم رواد واطلاق مبادرات…

smexadmin • 06 May 2009

Workshop: Kiva, Online Media Creativity Workshop, OTI

Often SMEX comes across excellent opportunities for employment, fellowships, funding, and training. Some are local, others regional, and still others…

smexadmin • 05 May 2009

Process Notes

One of the things that I wished we had done during our project last year was to take better notes…

smexadmin • 01 May 2009

SMEX Launches a Six-Month Project to Train Trainers in Social Media for Peacebuilding and Youth Empowerment

On May 1, SMEX officially launched its follow-on activities to last year’s series of seminars and workshops that covered Web…

SMEX • 30 Apr 2009

يوتوب يتورط في السياسة اللبنانية

من الصعب القول ٱن الانترنت هو مخصص فقط لبعض الاختصاصات بل اصبح وسيلة لتغيير كل الٱعمال و بشكل خاص السياسية…

smexadmin • 29 Apr 2009

What Will You Do with Message, Mobiles, or Security in-a-box?

Tactical Technology Collective is one of the organizations SMEX looks to when developing our programs, workshops, and materials. The UK–based…

smexadmin • 24 Apr 2009

Spring Cleaning, and Getting Ready to Relaunch SMEX

Startups by definition are disorganized and always trying to catch up with their vision. Social Media Exchange is no exception….