قانون الإعلام الجديد
تم إقتراح قانون جديد للإعلام من قبل جمعية مهارات و بالتعاون مع النائب غسان مخيبر و قد لاقى هذا الإقتراح…
Eid Mubarak!
Happy Eid to everyone in Lebanon and throughout the region. We wish you a pleasant and relaxing time with your…
متابعة قانون تكنولوجيا المعلومات
إجتمعت بعض الجمعيات اللبنانية لمناقشة قانون تكنولوجيا المعلومات و الطرق المتاحة للمساهمة في تغيير القانون و للبناء على النشاط الذي…
An Arabic Guide to Twitter, from Yemen
An Arabic guide to Twitter called “Twitter Guide for All Users” was recently produced by the House of Light Foundation,…
Follow-Up on the E-Transactions Law
It’s been a while since we’ve posted about the E-transactions law, but this doesn’t mean that we’ve lost interest. In…
We Stopped This Law (for a month)
The picture says it all, but the post must go on. (Follow the conversation on Twitter.) Yesterday was a busy…
ACT NOW: Postpone the Vote on the E-Transactions Law
We’ve written an email in Arabic and English (below) to send to friends and colleagues to try to stop passage…