An Open Letter to Our Funders, Partners, and Friends
Dear Funders, Partners, and Friends: When we met recently in San Francisco to discuss the E-Mediat program to build the…
Free World, Speak Up for a Free Egypt!
To express our gratitude for how much we’ve learned from Egyptian activists—and our solidarity with their current struggle—we are reprinting…
San Francisco Treats
SMEX spent last week in San Francisco, California, just about the center of the universe for social media. Google, Facebook,…
Quick: What Do You Want from Social Media in 2011?
If you had five minutes with representatives from some of the top Internet companies in the world, what would you…
تعديل إقتراح قانون الإعلام الجديد
عقدت جمعية مهارات بالتعاون مع النائب غسان مخيبر مؤتمراً صحفيا لتقديم و شرح إقتراح قانون الإعلام الجديد و قد تم…
Lebanon Launches Creative Commons Chapter
Since 2003, the international nonprofit Creative Commons (known as CC) has endeavored to “save the world from failed sharing.” CC,…
Internet Overload in Beirut! (And for once, not that kind of overload)
October seems to be unofficially ICT month in our fair city. There are no fewer than five Internet-related gatherings on…