SMEX • 02 Mar 2023

SMEX Launches the Inaugural Mariam Al-Shafei Fellowship on Technology and Human Rights 2023

SMEX launched the inaugural Mariam Al-Shafei Fellowship on Technology and Human Rights in November 2022 to bring new minds and…

SMEX • 22 Feb 2023

Digital Safety Helpdesk Expands beyond West Asia and North Africa

For the second year in a row, Facebook ranked first as the platform where users faced the highest number of…

DR Lab • 17 Feb 2023

Radio in Sudan: (Not) a substitute for the internet

After 85 years of continuous broadcasting, BBC Arabic radio in Sudan finally went off the air on January 27, 2023….

SMEX • 16 Feb 2023

Qatar’s dirty plays call for more accountability on mass surveillance

At the close of last year, people from around the world traveled to Qatar to enjoy a soccer game and…

Safaa Ayyad • 15 Feb 2023

Iraq’s Controversial “Ballegh” Platform for “Combating Indecent Content”

When Umm Fahd danced in the stadium while watching the 25th Arabian Gulf Cup in the Al-Basra governorate in early 2023,…

Ragheb Malli • 13 Feb 2023

“Resist with Us” Campaign in Egypt: Protection against rumors or online speech control?

In August 2020, Egyptian president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi appealed to the Egyptian youth in a statement: “Egypt’s youth! Resist with…

Yasser Fawzy • 06 Feb 2023

Deleting Digital Archives: New Tactic to Restrain Journalists

“A media institution I used to work with deleted my archive from its website because they didn’t want to keep…