WORKSHOP: Expanding Your Advocacy Networks with Twitter
On July 24 and 26, SMEX’s Mohamad Najem will offer an advanced workshop for activists, journalists, and civil society organizers…
Rising Voices Announces Its 2012 Grantees
Every year, the good people at Rising Voices issue a call for applications for projects that will help underrepresented communities…
ArabNet Digital Summit 2012
Click Here to Register for Community Day for Free On March 31st, the region’s largest digital event, ArabNet Digital Summit 2012,…
Creating Facebook Pages with Impact: A New Guide/دليل جديد: إنشاء صفحات فيسبوك ذات تأثير
This week, we’re proudly announcing the release of our new Arabic-language guide Creating Facebook Pages with Impact (Arabic) (and English):…
Who Needs Copy-Paste? Search for Freely Licensed Images Online
Yesterday, as part of a train-the-trainer assessment, I gave a session about how to use Flickr + Creative Commons to…
What's Your Favorite Facebook Page/Group in the Arab Region?
We’re in the process of finalizing our second Facebook Pages guide for civil society and NGOs for the Arab region….
Fundraising for Human Rights: A New Tactics Dialogue
This month’s online dialogue at New Tactics in Human Rights is about fundraising for human rights. Here’s the lead-in: Protecting…