Alhasnaa Adra • 23 Jul 2024

Exam shutdowns in Syria: financial and human losses 

Despite a global trend towards improving the speed, quality, and availability of internet services, Syria still disrupts access to the…

  • Exams
  • financial
  • Freedom of Expression
SMEX • 27 Jun 2024

Meta gives vague, inadequate response to the Oversight Board’s “shaheed” policy recommendations 

Following the Oversight Board’s Policy Advisory Opinion (PAO) on the use of the term “shaheed,” Meta published its response to…

  • Freedom of Expression
  • Meta
Metehan Durmaz • 22 Feb 2024

Kuwait’s cybercrime law extends censorship to the online realm

Following the waves of protests in the 2010s, both in the region and throughout the world, from Africa to South…

  • Censorship
  • Cybercrime Law
  • Freedom of Expression
Safaa Ayyad • 08 Dec 2023

Lebanon: Legislators Insist on Criminalizing Journalists in New Media Law

Controversial, daunting, and disconcerting for journalists: this is the essence of the proposed media law in Lebanon under consideration in…

  • Freedom of Expression
  • Journalism
  • Lebanon
Enas Kamal • 31 Aug 2023

Feminist Content Creators in Egypt: Digital Violence Unbound by Law or Customs

Content that advocates for women’s rights and champions feminist ideas is often met with violent digital attacks in Egypt. These…

  • Egypt
  • Freedom of Expression
Safaa Ayyad • 30 Aug 2023

Arrested Humor: Nour Hajjar’s Case

Lebanon’s crackdown on freedom of opinion and expression shows no signs of abating. From journalists, activists, and even lawyers, the…

  • Freedom of Expression
  • Freedom Of Speech
  • Ghassab Oueidat
Safaa Ayyad • 28 Mar 2023

Iraq: New Draft Law Threatens Freedoms and Violates Constitution

The new Iraqi draft law on freedom of expression, assembly, and peaceful demonstration is under scrutiny for possible violations of…

  • Freedom of Expression
  • Freedom of the Press
  • Iraq