The latest updates on digital rights from West Asia and North Africa


Privacy and Data Protection Law: Lessons from Covid-19 Patient-Tracing Apps [Bread&Net 2020 Session]
In this #BreadandNet 2020 session moderated by Accessnow’s Marwa Fatafta, Senior Legal Consultant Mohammad Moghabat, Joey Shia, and Etienne Manyier…

Humanitarian chatbots: how can we “meet people where they are” while supporting digital rights?
A chatbot is an artificial intelligence feature that can be used in websites and different platforms like Facebook or Twitter…

How to rebuild a digital society festival like re:publica resilient? [Bread&Net 2020 Session]
In this #BreadandNet 2020 session Andreas Gebhard,co-founder and CEO of re:public, a festival for the digital society that was forced…

How to rebuild a digital society festival like re:publica resilient? [Bread&Net 2020 Session]
In this #BreadandNet 2020 session, the co-founder and CEO of re:publica Andreas Gebhard shares his experience since large scale events…

Q&A: Corporate Accountability for Digital Rights in MENA [Bread&Net 2020 Session]
In this #BreadandNet 2020 session, the Tunisian research analyst at the Corporate Accountability Index Afef Abrougui and the Egyptian journalist…