smexadmin • 06 Feb 2013

Cyber Crime Law in Iraq Revoked

Good news from Iraq! A recently released document shows that on January 22, 2013, a request was made by the…

smexadmin • 06 Feb 2013

A Spoonful of Lovin' (for Your Customers): Beirut's 1st Service Jam

From March 1–3, Mirada Madrid will host the very first Beirut Service Jam along with their partner, the Beirut Creative…

mohamad • 06 Feb 2013

إطلاق القدرات الإبداعية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط

عرب نت: تسلّط الضوء على الفرص الجديدة للمبدعين  في القطاع الرقمي بيروت، 6 شباط: عكست التكنولوجيا الرقمية نمواً هائلاً في…

smexadmin • 25 Jan 2013

EFF Issues Guide to Privacy in the Era of Facebook Graph Search

Facebook  graph search has raised a lot of legitimate questions about the privacy issues of its users. Here’s one from…

smexadmin • 14 Dec 2012

Download Creating Facebook Pages with Impact

At long last, today marks the day that we release the English edition of our new guide Creating Facebook Pages…

SMEX • 11 Dec 2012

باسل الصفدي في خطر

يقبع باسل خرطبيل او كما نعرفه باسل الصفدي في أروقة السجون السورية منذ ١٥ آذار، أي بعد أيام قليلة سيكون…

smexadmin • 31 Oct 2012

E-Transactions Law Back with New Amendments

We wrote how bad the draft of E-transaction law was more than 2 years ago and we called the parliament…