smexadmin • 31 May 2014

Getting in Touch with Open Data: Nouwweb v1.0

This week, as part of a new initiative to promote civic engagement in Lebanon, developers from Lamba Labs and the…

smexadmin • 13 May 2014

Getting a Grasp on Laws Governing Online Speech in MENA Countries

Since 2011, there has been a pronounced increase in the promulgation of legislation governing the rights of Internet users in…

smexadmin • 12 May 2014

What Will You Transform this Ramadan?

This Ramadan season SMEX will host its second Savvy Strategist course on our new online learning platform The free course…

smexadmin • 03 May 2014

Who's Been Detained for Freedom of Speech in Lebanon?

In the last few years,  journalists, artists, activists, and others in Lebanon have been detained or  spent some time on trial…

mohamad • 15 Apr 2014

آخر تطوّرت نتحوّل: نتيجة الاختبار التجريبي والخطوات المقبلة

إستضافت منظمة تبادل الإعلام الإجتماعي مؤخراً، أول دورة تجريبية على منصتها التعليمية الرقميّة الجديدة نتحوّل. إخترنا ٣٦ مشاركاً من ١٤…

smexadmin • 09 Apr 2014

Lebanese Media Launch “President 2014” Website

NOW News, in collaboration with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI), has launched Presidential Elections 2014, a website to encourage…

smexadmin • 07 Apr 2014

An Update on NetHawwal: Beta Test Results & Next Steps

Recently, SMEX hosted the first beta course on our new online learning platform NetHawwal. We enrolled 36 participants from 14…