Welcome to Lebanon! Photo Contest
A few enterprising photo-lovers launched a contest today for the photos that best capture that all-too-familiar saying, Welcome to Lebanon!…
Does Citizen Reporting Work? Will It Work In Lebanon?
As the Web improves and we begin to realize all that it can make possible in Lebanon, ideas abound for…
مبروك للسيدة ندی حمزة
اخبر العالم انك حققت تغييراًحفل تكنولوجي بامتياز بمبادرة من التجمع النسائي لتكنولوجيا المعلومات – WIT تخلله تكريم رواد واطلاق مبادرات…
Workshop: Kiva, Online Media Creativity Workshop, OTI
Often SMEX comes across excellent opportunities for employment, fellowships, funding, and training. Some are local, others regional, and still others…
Process Notes
One of the things that I wished we had done during our project last year was to take better notes…
SMEX Launches a Six-Month Project to Train Trainers in Social Media for Peacebuilding and Youth Empowerment
On May 1, SMEX officially launched its follow-on activities to last year’s series of seminars and workshops that covered Web…
يوتوب يتورط في السياسة اللبنانية
من الصعب القول ٱن الانترنت هو مخصص فقط لبعض الاختصاصات بل اصبح وسيلة لتغيير كل الٱعمال و بشكل خاص السياسية…