smexadmin • 26 Jan 2009

Funding and Other Opportunities

In addition to offering training and consulting, Social Media Exchange wants to be a connector for civil society organizations based…

smexadmin • 13 Jan 2009

Two Social Media Fundraising Stories

In the past two days, I’ve heard two compelling fundraising stories that wouldn’t have been possible without social media. The…

smexadmin • 09 Jan 2009

Distribute Widely

Moments of Gaza, a blog started by Lebanese activist in Gaza Natalie Abou Shakra and Nader Houella, who’s facilitating posting…

smexadmin • 28 Dec 2008


I was walking in the old souks of Saida when I heard the news about Gaza. Every television was tuned…

smexadmin • 09 Dec 2008

Grant Opportunities: What We Came Up with for the GeoChallenge

Last Tuesday (apologies for the late post), several of us met at the RootSpace to discuss how we might use…

smexadmin • 01 Dec 2008

The Importance of Search, and Finding Our Blindspots

When you’re developing something new, one of my favorite media professors once told me, whether it’s a theory, a curriculum,…

smexadmin • 27 Nov 2008

Put Lebanon on the Web 2.0 Map!—And Win $100,000

This week,, Google’s philanthropic arm, has announced a competition called the Geo Challenge. We’d like to enter the competition…