ACT NOW: Postpone the Vote on the E-Transactions Law
We’ve written an email in Arabic and English (below) to send to friends and colleagues to try to stop passage…
Emergency: Help Delay the Vote on E-Transactions Law
As we mentioned last week, there’s a law before parliament (in Arabic) that deals with electronic information, signatures, and e-banking….
قانون تكنولوجيا المعلومات الجديد في لبنان
تحديث: لقراءة ترجمة مواد القانون إلى اللغة الإنكليزية، إضغط هنا ——————————————————————————————– قانون تكنولوجيا المعلومات الجديد في لبنان سوف يبت به…
Stop the New Internet Law in Lebanon
For a long time now, whenever anyone started talking about the relative openness of the Net in Lebanon, people have…
Aggregating Feeds for Lebanon's Municipal Elections
Update: It really doesn’t seem to be working. We could use some help. We’re experimenting with Yahoo Pipes to aggregate…
Arab Women Technologists Start Rewiring the World in Zouk Mikael
SMEX and Arab Techies have spent the past couple of months organizing a meetup of about 34 women from ten…
What a Difference a Year Makes
For Lebanon’s parliamentary elections in June 2009, citizen media hadn’t quite achieved the critical mass it needed to mobilize. True,…