smexadmin • 14 Jun 2010

ACT NOW: Postpone the Vote on the E-Transactions Law

We’ve written an email in Arabic and English (below) to send to friends and colleagues to try to stop passage…

smexadmin • 13 Jun 2010

Emergency: Help Delay the Vote on E-Transactions Law

As we mentioned last week, there’s a law before parliament (in Arabic) that deals with electronic information, signatures, and e-banking….

SMEX • 13 Jun 2010

قانون تكنولوجيا المعلومات الجديد في لبنان

تحديث: لقراءة ترجمة مواد القانون إلى اللغة الإنكليزية، إضغط هنا ——————————————————————————————– قانون تكنولوجيا المعلومات الجديد في لبنان سوف يبت به…

smexadmin • 10 Jun 2010

Stop the New Internet Law in Lebanon

For a long time now, whenever anyone started talking about the relative openness of the Net in Lebanon, people have…

smexadmin • 23 May 2010

Aggregating Feeds for Lebanon's Municipal Elections

Update: It really doesn’t seem to be working. We could use some help. We’re experimenting with Yahoo Pipes to aggregate…

smexadmin • 11 May 2010

Arab Women Technologists Start Rewiring the World in Zouk Mikael

SMEX and Arab Techies have spent the past couple of months organizing a meetup of about 34 women from ten…

smexadmin • 30 Apr 2010

What a Difference a Year Makes

For Lebanon’s parliamentary elections in June 2009, citizen media hadn’t quite achieved the critical mass it needed to mobilize. True,…