smexadmin • 16 Oct 2008

Summing Up Blog Action Day

Yesterday was all about Blog Action Day and publishing simultaneously with the international blogosphere about a topic of global concern,…

smexadmin • 15 Oct 2008

Blog Action Day: Poverty in Lebanon

Adapted from “Poverty, Growth, and Income Distribution in Lebanon,” a 2008 country study from the International Poverty Centre Nearly…

smexadmin • 08 Oct 2008

Blog Action Day: Unite with the International Blogosphere on October 15

On Wednesday October 15 at 6:30 p.m., we the Social Media Exchange are joining the global conversation about poverty from…

smexadmin • 03 Oct 2008

Whack A Lebanese Politician!

I played Whack-A-Politician on Facebook, thumped a few Lebanese politicians with a judge’s gavel and managed to—quoting the game: “say…

smexadmin • 26 Sep 2008

Aether9: The Art of Remote Online Storytelling

The Beirut Street Festival has been celebrating art and culture by bringing performance to the street since 2002. Out-of-doors and…

SMEX • 26 Sep 2008

خمس خطوات سهلة لتصبح ناشطاً على الإنترنت

في أوائل شهر أيلول / سبتمبر من هذه السنة ، اعتقل المدوّن المغربي محمدالرّاجيبعد نشره لمقال على شبكة الإنترنت ينتقد…