smexadmin • 07 Dec 2009

Workshopping Innovations in Mobile Data Collection in Amman

We know that we haven’t posted in a long time. And we look forward to changing all that with a…

smexadmin • 23 Sep 2009

SMEX Goes to PICNIC '09

This month, SMEX was invited to speak at PICNIC ’09, a three-day event in Amsterdam where media people, arts and…

smexadmin • 21 Sep 2009

Who's Tweeting in the Middle East?

A new report, posted to the Creative Commons Arab World Google Group, from Spot On Public Relations offers some numbers…

smexadmin • 20 Sep 2009

Guides to Twitter Activism and Cross-Posting Now Available in Arabic

Today, SMEX is ecstatic to be releasing the Arabic translations of two excellent social media guides for activism. The first…

smexadmin • 17 Aug 2009

Let's Put Beirut on the Map

OpenStreetMap is an international project that aims to provide free geographic data collected by individuals from around the world. Or,…

SMEX • 15 Jul 2009

تعرّف على تويتر

نحن، في تبادل الإنترنت الإجتماعي في بحث دائم عن أدوات وموارد في اللغة العربية. وجدنا أمس،على يوتيوب قناة الجزيرة، هذا…

smexadmin • 30 Jun 2009

Photography Workshop With Georges Haddad

On the 26th, 27th and the 28th of June 2009, SMEX organized the Digital Photography Workshop, facilitated by Georges Haddad….