SMEX • 18 Sep 2010

قانون الإعلام الجديد

تم إقتراح قانون جديد للإعلام من قبل جمعية مهارات و بالتعاون مع النائب غسان مخيبر و قد لاقى هذا الإقتراح…

smexadmin • 08 Sep 2010

Eid Mubarak!

Happy Eid to everyone in Lebanon and throughout the region. We wish you a pleasant and relaxing time with your…

SMEX • 19 Jul 2010

متابعة قانون تكنولوجيا المعلومات

إجتمعت بعض الجمعيات اللبنانية  لمناقشة قانون تكنولوجيا المعلومات و الطرق المتاحة للمساهمة في تغيير القانون و للبناء على النشاط الذي…

smexadmin • 09 Jul 2010

An Arabic Guide to Twitter, from Yemen

An Arabic guide to Twitter called “Twitter Guide for All Users” was recently produced by the House of Light Foundation,…

smexadmin • 28 Jun 2010

Follow-Up on the E-Transactions Law

It’s been a while since we’ve posted about the E-transactions law, but this doesn’t mean that we’ve lost interest. In…

smexadmin • 15 Jun 2010

We Stopped This Law (for a month)

The picture says it all, but the post must go on. (Follow the conversation on Twitter.) Yesterday was a busy…

smexadmin • 14 Jun 2010

ACT NOW: Postpone the Vote on the E-Transactions Law

We’ve written an email in Arabic and English (below) to send to friends and colleagues to try to stop passage…