#jan25 is the Twitter hashtag for the coverage of the protests against Mubarak's repressive 30-year-old regime in Egypt.
To express our gratitude for how much we’ve learned from Egyptian activists—and our solidarity with their current struggle—we are reprinting the following call to the people and governments of the free world from the blog of our friends @manal and @alaa.
A Call to the People and Governments of the Free World
We call upon all of you to support the Egyptian people’s demands for a life of dignity, liberty and an end of despotism. We call upon you to urge this dictatorial regime to stop its bloodshed of the Egyptian people, exercised throughout the Egyptian cities, on top of which comes the city of Suez.
We believe that the material and moral support offered to the Egyptian regime, by the American government and European governments, has helped to suppress the Egyptian people.
We hereby call upon the people of the free world to support the Egyptian people’s non-violent revolution against corruption and tyranny. We also call upon civil society organisations in America, Europe and the whole world to express their solidarity with Egypt, through holding public demonstrations, particularly on the coming weekend that follows People’s Anger Day (28/01/2011), and by denouncing the use of violence against the people.
We hope that you will all support our demands for freedom, justice and peaceful change.
Egyptian National Coalition
نداء إلى شعوب و حكومات العالم الحر
ندعوكم جميعاً لتأييد مطالب الشعب المصري في العيش الكريم و الحرية و الخلاص من الاستبداد و حث النظام الدكتاتوري على وقف نزيف الدم الذي يمارسه ضد الشعب المصري في كل مدن مصر و على رأسها مدينة السويس. و إننا نعتقد أن مساندة الحكومة الامريكية و الحكومات الأوروبية للنظام المصري مادياً و معنوياً ساعد على قمع المصريين و إننا ندعو شعوب العالم الحر أن تساند ثورة الشعب المصري السلمية ضد الفساد و الطغيان كما ندعو منظمات المجتمع المدني في أمريكا و أوروبا والعالم إلى التضامن مع مصر بالتظاهرات الشعبية و خاصة في يوم الغضب الشعبي (28/1/2011) و تدعو لاستنكار استخدام العنف ضد الشعب و نرجو أن تؤيد مطالبنا بالحرية و العدالة و التغيير السلمي.
تحالف القوى الوطنية المصرية
We also want to express our solidarity with other Egyptian friends—Layla, Lina, Nagla, Noha, Ranwa (who’s from Lebanon but lives in Egypt) and Zeinab come to mind and there are many more—who have shared their stories and taught us so much, online and off.
We can’t begin to imagine the elation that Egypt without Mubarak’s regime would bring for these friends, and their friends, and their friends, and their friends. We can’t imagine how satisfying it would be for them to be able to openly advocate for and build the environment of free expression and tolerance they want to see. But we know that it’s what they want, what they believe in, and what they work for, so we wish it for them.
We also want to echo that, as in Tunisia—where we watched and hoped with Houeida, Sami, Lina, and Imen—social media is NOT the force of revolution, the will of the people is.
May we all be so empowered.
Here’s a list of Egyptian embassies in many countries around the world that could be helpful for organizing protests or calling/faxing.
To get the most up-to-date information, also make sure to follow the #jan25 hashtag on Twitter.